Download Optimizer 15.2
Download Optimizer 15.2

download Optimizer 15.2

Bareos File Daemon is ready for AIX release contains several bugfixes and enhancements. Preconfigure Bareos Webui to run in php’s own webserver for easy testing.FreeBSD: added start scripts, fixed buggy cmake detection of ACL support.clang: Massively reduced number of warnings.Bareos Webui: Enhances Selenium tests to be used on.Switch the documentation from LaTeX to Sphinx (work in progress).Bareos Traymonitor: Allows compiling using Qt4 or Qt5.Explicitly declare functions override where applicable.Each header file has own google c++ standard header guard.Introduced individual header fileS for each c++ file.Library does not use main program variables anymore.TLS implementation has now a base class interface instead of compile time switched behaviour.Switched to use c++11 standard, start to refactor using standard library instead of legacy features.Introduced namespaces to avoid name clashes when parts of different daemons are tested in one test.Switched from cmocka to google test framework for unit tests.Changed the build system from autoconf/automake to cmake.Reorganized the whole git repository and merged sub repositories into main repository.Documentation: Various improvements and updates.Bareos WebUI: Bvfs cache update notification added.Bareos WebUI: Fix always active debug messages in error.log.Bareos WebUI: Fix overflowing top navigation bar content hiding tab navigation in some modules.Bareos Director: Fix nullptr cornercase in mtx-changer parser.Bareos Director: Add support for MySQL 8.All daemons: Fix buffer overrun in PathAppend.Issue #1150: dbconfig schema update scripts broken since 18.2.Issue #1149: Audit messages are not logged any more.Issue #1112: After mount/unmount of tape “status slots” shows empty list.Issue #1100: Bconsole crashes when a pam authentication aborts.Issue #1095: Bareos WebUI: When login as a user without the permission to the “.api” command, the webui show a wrong and ugly error message.Issue #1072: Newer versions of Fedora use stricter code checking.Issue #1059: Webui spams Apache error_log with bconsole messages.Issue #1058: 18.2.6 build error while cmake don’t build the correct dependency’s.Issue #1056: NDMP restore on 16.2.5 and above does not fill NDMP environment correctly.

download Optimizer 15.2

Issue #1030: Bscan does not work for migration and copy jobs.Issue #990: SD sometimes tries to load empty tape slot.Bareos Copyright, Trademark, and Licenses.

Download Optimizer 15.2