Now, as this is a preview piece, I’ll not dwell on things like the graphics and sound, or even the controls, except to say that I’m glad Besiege is still only a Game Preview title, as the controls are, shall we say, interesting. You want chaos? This will scratch that itch. In my time with Besiege I have built things that look like carts, bristling with blades, I have mounted cannons on spindly towers on top of my cart (that went about as well as you might expect) and I have even managed to set myself on fire with my own flamethrower. The only part you have to have is a central block, but after that the world is your oyster.

Whether that be land based with wheels, or flying with balloons attached and propellers to move the craft, the only limit is your imagination.

Before each level begins, you have the opportunity to look at the objective, and then build a suitable machine to take it on.